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about us

Exporting TOP quality leather since 1992

We work as export sales agents for foreign companies and our company's know-how is in the business of inspection, sourcing, management, supply and quality control of leather products in wet-blue, crust and finished stage.

  1. Each client is unique to CAFTA, this is the reason we ensure a personalized service for each requirement and provide constant follow-ups with onsite quality inspections, container loading supervisions and information about shipping and delivery times.

our specialties

Acid Washed

Acid Washed hair on hides are made with Italian serigraph stamps and can be used with different stamps or exotic prints.

Crust Leather
Crust Leather

Crust leather is the term applied to leather which is dried after tanning but has not yet been dyed. It can be either "chrome crust or vegetable crust".

Finished Leather
Finished Leather

The purpose of leather finishing is to embellish the leather. The finishing of leather affects the look, the feel and the strength of the leather.

Fish Skin
Fish Skin

Fish skin is tanned and curried as a durable and wear-resistant leather that can be used like any other leather. Fish scales are removed in tanning..

Hair on Hides

Natural, Exotics or Dyed hair on hides for decoration or creative projects.

Leather Pillows
Leather Pillows

Choose a stamp and make beautiful and custom leather pillows with any stamp or natural hide.


Make your custom design and let us know the type of leather you would like to use for your patchwork.

Sheep Skin
Sheep Skins

Beautiful and sheep skins that can be used for decoration or restaurants.

Wet Blue
Wet Blue

Wet Blue refers to moist chrome-tanned leather. In this phase, the leather is tanned, but neither dried, dyed nor finished.

our Services

Medidor espessura
Quality Control & CLS

Our services include the inspections and the quality control of your products during all processes, including container loading supervision.

Follow-Up & Price Negotiation

We will keep you updated regarding all your orders and we will represent your best interest in negotiations in order to close the best prices.

New Products Dev. Assistance

We will help you developing new products contacting you with great suppliers and using the best quality leather available. 

we bring your ideas to reality

Are you looking for inspiration or do you need help to bring your ideas to reality? 

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our best projects